Today I want to talk about concerns I have for several folks in recovery who have extremely high anxiety levels- and I am looking into homeopathic solutions, individually selected for each. Anxiety, in short, is fear and worry, and when the fears or worries rise out of proportion to the situation, it can be expressed many forms such as panic attacks, social anxiety disorder including fear of the market place, and even substance-induced anxiety disorder.
We know that anxieties combined with poor coping skills can impact the risk of self-medicating behaviors. Human studies show us that negative childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and dysfunctional families all are associated with increased risk for addiction. Folks involved in an unhappy marriage, or who may be unhappy at their job or feel harassed in some way, also report increased rates of addiction. What this tells us as homeopaths is that there are many many reasons and variables to each man’s (or woman’s) anxiety profile, thus, each client needs to be individually assessed in order to get the right remedy.
Homeopathic remedies are made of natural substances, and are without any side effects- they are over-the-counter and safe. We can address anxiety and manage symptoms from mild to severe in intensity, from a flutter in the stomach to a full-blown panic attack.
Here are but a handful of the hundreds of homeopathic remedies that may be used for anxiety, depending on the person’s traits, mindset, disposition, and more;
Aconitum Napellus – Anxiety with palpitations. Cold sweats during anxiety attack. Fear of death, talkativeness, fear of public spaces. Consuming cold water may offer relief.Feels like they are going to die.
Arsenic Album – Restlessness, changing positions from one side to another, sadness, gloom, fear, trembling, chilliness, weakness, and nausea. Worse after midnight.
Argentum Nitricum – Has constant thoughts about future. May have diarrhea, hurriedness, impatience, and weakness in the legs.
Gelsemium Sempervirens – For anxiety related to making a public appearance. May also experience exhaustion and drowsiness, sadness, melancholy, and confusion of mind, irritability, and diarrhea. Classically used to overcome stage fright.
Opium – The person needing Opium usually has a history of some fearful incidence in the past that triggers the anxiety. The terror of that episode reoccurs over and over again and the person feels nervousness, uneasiness, and irritability as well as fear and anxiety. Sweating on the forehead, nervous exhaustion and fatigue are other associated symptoms. Worse in evening.
Coffea Cruda – For anxiety with sleeplessness. The mind becomes crowded with thoughts when trying to sleep. People who are constantly obsessing over work, deals, and money while trying to fall asleep, are given this remedy.
Ignatia Amara – Helps with anxiety and depression for someone whose anxiety arose from a long-standing grief from the past. Sadness, social isolation, and aversion to talking are the major symptoms, along with brooding about past events.
Kali Phos – For anxiety coupled with weakness and fatigue. This person experiences dread, fear, and nervousness. Anxiety can be set off by even the slightest noise, and he may feel tired and fatigued all the time. He hates being alone.
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